tirsdag 11. desember 2012


Rockwool Flex system was important in the construction of Tomasjord renseanlegg in Tromsø. It is a wastewater plant designed by Steinsvik Architects and finished in 2009. Rockwool has made a nice presentation of the project with technical details concerning the insulation solution at their website and in a printed catalogue showing their innovative solutions. Here is an extract from the presentation and a link til the site:

"Symbolising the water purification process, the building's facade combines grey slate (representing untreated water), a stunning blue-green glass (the clean water), and render. This unusual mix of siding materials placed considerable demands on the insulating layer."We think ROCKWOOL is the best insulation out here," says Mr Steinsvik. "We specified it for the Tomasjord project because it offers efficiency-boosting thermal protection without collecting moisture, which can damage a structure," he explains.From a single material within the facade construction, you get insulation, fire protection, acoustic dampening, protection from water damage, and mechanical properties that support ventilated cladding or ETICS. "It really enabled our whole facade concept," Mr Steinsvik concludes."

link to Rockwools pages: http://www.rockwool.com/
link til Tromsø kommunes side om renseanlegget: http://www.tromso.kommune.no/tomasjord-avloepsrenseanlegg.121439.no.html

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